Designing a Japanese Garden

Designing a Japanese garden is an art form that requires careful planning and attention to detail. These gardens aim to create a space for relaxation, contemplation, and beauty. Here are…

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Planting Ornamental Gourds for Fall Harvest

It’s never too early to plan for fall decorating, and ornamental gourds are a must-have to spread the seasonal vibes. These plants are relatively easy to grow and require minimal…

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Growing Zucchini and Summer Squash

Zucchini and summer squash are a summer staple in the garden and on the table! These versatile veggies may be enjoyed raw, grilled, fried, sauteed, roasted, and baked. They may…

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Bringing Butterflies to the Backyard

In spring, female butterflies will be primarily concerned with finding their species’ specific host plants on which to lay fertilized eggs. Instinctively, they know they must locate plants to ensure…

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